Stone age weapons

Weapons from the Stone Age

Sharpend Stick:

1.The sharpend stick is considerd one of the most ancient tools.
2.these sticks were used almost in every part of the world.
3.They were made of different types of wood.
4.They were used by people to defend themselves from wild animals.
5.They were used for hunting purposes as well.

 Sharpened Sticks - stone age tools

1. A Harpoon is a large spear-like tool used to kill large animals especially aquatic animals like whales, tuna, and swordfish.
It is evident from the remains in Congo that harpoons were in use 90,000 years ago.
3.A rop was attached to the harpoon to bring the hunted animal to the hunter.
4.Harpoons are still used in today's world with harpoon-guns for killing big whales.
Image result for stone age harpoon


1.Spear has been used by humans for thousands of years.
2.It has a long shaft generally made of wood. The head is pointed, sharpend and generally made of some durable material like stone or steel.
3.the shaft end is hardend with fire or made of some durable material like iron or copper.
4.The spear-head shape is usualy triangular, and leaf.
5.It was used as a wepone in wars and hunting.
6.It was used both by riders and by bare-foot men.
7.The enemies/animals were attacked by either throwing the spear at them or by pushing it into their bodys in close combat.

 Image result for stone age spears

Bows and arrows

 1.Bows and arrows have been used for both war and hunting  for over thousands of years.
2.The bow is made of wood or some other elastic material.t has a string that is bound at both ends and tightend until tight.
3.The arrow is made of wood or some other hard material with a pointed head. the tail is made of feathers.
4.The bow string is pulled with an arrow and pulled untill taught and then aimed at th target.
5.the arrow is let go and sent fliying due to the bow snaping back as far as it can into its original shape. due to the arrows heavy tip it is sent fliying quite straghit and into the target at avery fast speed killing it dead.
Image result for stone age bow and arrows


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