The Archaic period weapons
PERSONAL WEAPONS Spears 1.The spear was the primary weapon of greek troops was 2to 3 meaters in length and had a leath shapedblade at one end and a short spike at the ofer called a doru . 2.the spear head was made of both bronz and iron but it is unknown wich was used the most. 3.mounted cavalry used a thiner spear or a long lanc that mesured about 3'5 to 4'25 meaters. Sword 1.Hoplights carried a short sword, known as a xiphos , as a secondary wepon. It was made out of bronze or iron depending on the time period. 2.It was used when there spear broke or in close combat if there was no avoiding it. 3.If a hoplite is riding on horseback they yoused a heavier, curved sword known as a kopis , meaning chopper in the greek language. This is a xiphos This is a kopis Ranged weapons 1.They used bows known as a toxa , javelin known as a akontia , and slings known as a sfendonai . This is a toxa T...