
Roman military weapons

Pugio 1.It's a dagger that was used as a sidearm by ancient roman soldiers. 2.It had a larg leaf shaped blade that was 18 to 28cm long and 5cm or more in width. 3.There was a raised mid rib that ran the length pf each side that either simply stood out from the face or was defined by grooves on either side. was changed and the blade was made thinner by about 3mm and the handle was made of meatle. Gladius 1.Gladius is generaly the latin word for sword. 2.It was a 60cm (24 inches) long. 3.It was generaly a short sword. Spatha 1.Spath is the latin word for any sword, but usually one of the longer swords. 2.Roman cavalry and infantry started to carry spathas in the late 2nd or early 3rd centurys. Hasta 1.Hasta is the latin word for thrusting spear. 2.Hastae were carried by early roman foot soldiers. 3.It was it was about 1'8meters (6 feet), the shaft was made from ash and the tip was made from iron or...

The Archaic period weapons

PERSONAL WEAPONS Spears 1.The spear was the primary weapon of greek troops was 2to 3 meaters in length and had a leath shapedblade at one end and a short spike at the ofer called a doru . 2.the spear head was made of both bronz and iron but it is unknown wich was used the most. 3.mounted cavalry used a thiner spear or a long lanc that mesured about 3'5 to 4'25 meaters. Sword 1.Hoplights carried a short sword, known as a xiphos , as a secondary wepon. It was made out of bronze or iron depending on the time period. 2.It was used when there spear broke or in close combat if there was no avoiding it. 3.If a hoplite is riding on horseback they yoused a heavier, curved sword known as a kopis , meaning chopper in the greek language. This is a xiphos      This is a kopis    Ranged weapons 1.They used bows known as a toxa , javelin known as a akontia , and slings known as a sfendonai . This is a toxa   T...

Iron age wepons

Chariots 1.At the hight of the iron age chariots were yoused all other the near east. 2.Its primary yous was transport on the battlefield. 3.It was only during the classical era that chariots were used for racing. Projectile weapons 1.In the iron age javelins and spears were mainly used. 2.Javelins were thrown, while spears were used by hand. 3.These weapons were made of a long wooden shaft and a iron spear or javelin tip. 4.Spears were jeneraly carrid into battle with a shield by foot-men in the near middle east. 5.They were also mounted on the side or rear of a chariot in quivers. 6.They were also used in the iron age britain. 7.However unlike the near middle east archery wasent used for neaver hunting nor war. It was only in late periods that the bow was used for hunting and war.

Bronze age wepons

The sword 1.swords were actualy found dating back to the stone age but were not reay ment for combat because of how brightle flint swords were. 2.the first swords were made frome copper and the blade was rivetid to the handle but was quite weak.whene they discoverd that they could make  bronze by combining tin and copper they started making tools and wepons out of it. that is whene the first bronze swords were made. also whene casting was discoverd they started to make bronze swords as a full cast.  

Stone age weapons

Weapons from the Stone Age Sharpend Stick: 1.The sharpend stick is considerd one of the most ancient tools. 2.these sticks were used almost in every part of the world. 3.They were made of different types of wood. 4.They were used by people to defend themselves from wild animals. 5.They were used for hunting purposes as well.    Harpoons 1. A Harpoon is a large spear-like tool used to kill large animals especially aquatic animals like whales, tuna, and swordfish. 2. It is evident from the remains in Congo that harpoons were in use 90,000 years ago. 3.A rop was attached to the harpoon to bring the hunted animal to the hunter. 4.Harpoons are still used in today's world with harpoon-guns for killing big whales. Spears 1.Spear has been used by humans for thousands of years. 2.It has a long shaft generally made of wood. The head is pointed, sharpend and generally made of some durable material like stone or steel. 3.the shaft end is hardend with fire or ma...